The thought of being able to make money online with affiliate programs may have sounded like a great business opportunity to you. The thought of being able to work at home in your own internet business, without having to worry about the things that have traditionally come along with running a business, such as inventory, storage, packing, shipping, complaints, returns, phone calls, emails, checks and credit cards, just to name a few, must have seemed like the greatest business idea you had ever come across!
Now that you are all set up with your affiliate programs however, you may be wondering, what can I do to generate traffic to my affiliate links? Lets explore some of the ways we can accomplish this.
The first thing you will want to do is to have a webpage with brief descriptions of all of your affiliate programs along with your affiliate links accompanying it. The reason for this is, for the most part, you will want to promote your own website as opposed to your individual affiliate links. Your webpage dose does not have to be fancy. Once you have accomplished this you will have a huge advantage over simply attempting to generate traffic to your individual affiliate links.
Start a business Blog. A Blog, short for, Web Log, is a great way to promote yourself as a knowledgeable person. People will begin to believe in you and will eventually trust you. Just make sure to post a new article every day so that people will keep coming back to read your latest article. That will breed familiarity. People will buy much more readily from people who they know and trust. Another reason to post every day is that, although it won’t be long before the search engines find your Blog, you can ping the search engines every time your Blog is updated and search engines L-O-V-E new content! Make sure to have a bio along with a link back to your website. Your bio should contain a brief description about you such as, [ John Doe is the owner of John specializes in helping people to work at home in their own home based business. To learn about the different business opportunities John has to offer you visit his website at].
Write and publish your own business articles. This is the greatest form of free advertising available. By writing and submitting articles, along with your bio at the bottom of each of your articles, you will not only have more and more non-reciprocal links pointing back to your website but most importantly the search engines will begin to spider your articles(read them word for word.) When people type into a search engine, keywords or phrases, that match what is in your articles, they will show up on the search results along with a link back to your website! Make sure to insert keywords into your articles that are relevant to your website such as business opportunities, affiliate programs, work at home, home based business, etc. The more relevant links there are pointing back to your website the higher your page rank will be. A higher page rank means your website will show up higher on the search engines results page, so keep writing those articles!
Ezines are email newsletters that people subscribe to on every topic imaginable. Find Ezines that are relevant to the business you are promoting such as business opportunities, affiliate programs, work at home, home based business, etc. Most Ezines will accept advertisements. This is not spam because the subscribers have agreed to accept offers from time to time as part of their subscription and can unsubscribe at any time. With Ezines it is better to advertise your individual affiliate programs along with your affiliate link as opposed to your website with a link back to it.
Email lists are another great way to advertise your individual affiliate programs. These are people who for whatever reason have agreed to receive certain offers. Find lists that are relevant to what you are promoting such as business opportunities, affiliate programs, work at home, home based business etc.
Pay-Per-Click(PPC) advertising such as Google AdWords is a form of advertising for the first time in history were you only pay for advertising if people are actually interested in your ad, since you only pay if someone is interested enough to click on it! These are ads that show up along with the regular search engine results. In the case of Google AdWords for instance the ads appear overhead and also on the right side. This form of advertising however requires a deep technical understanding to make it cost effective, otherwise, it will suck up your advertising dollars in no time!
Promoting your affiliate links dose not have to be expensive. It all depends on wether you would prefer to spend time, money or some sort of compromise between the two. You have various options available to you and what path you decide to take is entirely up to you.
Rabu, 17 Juli 2013
How Can I Promote My Affiliate Programs?
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Label: affiliate program, Article Submission, blog, Business Articles, Business Idea, Business Opportunities, Home Based Business, Home Business, internet business, Pay-Per-Click, PPC, Promote, Work At Home
Label: affiliate program, Article Submission, blog, Business Articles, Business Idea, Business Opportunities, Home Based Business, Home Business, internet business, Pay-Per-Click, PPC, Promote, Work At Home

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